Back to School Carpooling Tips

November 23rd, 2021 by

Summer is winding down, and the school year is starting again. If your children don’t use the bus, you most likely drive them to school yourself or have them catch a ride with another parent. When you choose to carpool, you can save a lot of time, money and even help the environment. Before driving the kids to and from school, make sure your vehicle is prepared with these simple carpooling tips from our Akron and Cuyahoga Falls area used car dealership!

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Prep Your Car for a Safe Carpool Back to School

Taking your car in for routine maintenance is a smart first step in preparing your vehicle for back-to-school driving. Typically, carpools require quick trips in heavily trafficked areas and extended idling, which can overwork your vehicle’s engine and potentially lead to unexpected breakdowns.

Prioritize Your Children’s Safety

When you’re driving, there is nothing more important than the safety of you and your kids. Luckily, new car seat options make it easy to ensure that every child is protected in the backseat. It’s also extremely important for drivers to always obey speed limits and instructions from crossing guards and carpool-lane monitors. If you’re looking for a new-to-you vehicle that’s well-equipped with the latest safety features, check out our used cars for sale!

Eliminate Distraction During Morning Commute

Carpool lanes can often be extremely busy, so be sure to get rid of any distractions and focus on the task at hand. Leave the radio alone and don’t check your cellphone while navigating the carpool lane.

Get Organized Before You Start Your Pool

Meet up with the other parents in your carpool to discuss which route you’ll take, everyone’s scheduling needs, and to establish rules such as timeliness and safety guidelines. Create a contact list of every parent in the carpool in case of an emergency.

Visit North Coast Mitsubishi of Akron

Strategizing the back-to-school carpool can be a huge help and with these tips, you’ll be able to start the new school year off on the right foot. Please don’t hesitate to contact our team at North Coast Mitsubishi of Akron for more information!