Best Used Car For Pets

November 23rd, 2021 by
A dog sitting in a car

For many of us, pets are a part of our family. And often, when we travel, they travel. Every pet parent that brings their furbaby along for the ride knows that having the right vehicle can make all the difference. When shopping for a used car, North Coast Mitsubishi of Akron encourages you to keep your four-legged family members…

Best Used Car for Babies

November 23rd, 2021 by
A small child playing with a toy car

Having a baby will completely change your life. Your activities and hobbies will change, your sleeping patterns will vary, and chances are, you’ll need to change your vehicle. You need to ensure that the car you choose is safe and roomy to carry your precious cargo — and all the cargo that comes with a…

Posted in Vehicle Safety

Back to School Carpooling Tips

November 23rd, 2021 by
A man holding car keys

Summer is winding down, and the school year is starting again. If your children don’t use the bus, you most likely drive them to school yourself or have them catch a ride with another parent. When you choose to carpool, you can save a lot of time, money and even help the environment. Before driving…

North Coast Mitsubishi of Akron 41.1138572, -81.4654693.